
A brutal and alien world, just like ours.
Featured Guide

Mythology Worldbuilder's Guide

Mythology is my first love, so I am sad when I see worlds that have low quality mythology. Many people don’t realize that mythology has a real structure—specific ways that myths actually form and are shaped.

You can make up whatever you want, of course, but just like geography has certain features that make it more or less realistic, so does mythology. Someone who knows about geography can tell the difference, and so can someone who knows about mythology.

If you don’t care about this aspect of your world, that’s fine, you’re the boss of your world and what matters in your world is what you say matters. But let me pitch you before you decide:

Mythology creates and is created by an incredibly rich process that deeply informs how groups and people live and how they view the world. If your project is about people or groups of people,... Continue Reading...

Featured Knowledge Base Article

Solar System

Throughout this document I’ll refer to each of the stars in the system as the Usaq do: as “Father” and “Son”.

Landfall orbits Father, so is apparently much larger than Son, but also Son is objectively smaller. Details below.

Father star and Son star orbit each other closely and are about evenly matched, Father being ~1.2 sol radii, and Son being ~.9 sol radii.

The main stars orbit similarly to:


  • In the diagram above, when the stars are as far apart as they can be, each at opposite ends of the image
  • Stars are 35.6AU apart
  • Nighttime glow of Son star will be warm, and about 142% of the brightness of the full moon.


  • in the diagram above, when the stars are as close together as they can possibly be, near the center of... Continue Reading...
Did You Know...
  • Landfall’s stars are 35.6AU apart at their farthest

  • Landfall’s stars are 11.2AU apart at their closest

  • It takes almost 80 earth years for Landfall’s stars to orbit each other

  • Chuck Norris is a fact!